Monday, May 13, 2013

Logo Design

 This first sketch of mine was out of my confusion. I am not really an artist so I was having a hard time thinking of what to put as my logo. I was thinking of something like a ribbon that's why I put the word Satin there. In the second one, my sister quite has the idea so she put something like a crown on the bottom part and thought of my company name.
 This sketch was another clean version of the second sketch above. I was thinking of something like this in my logo. I was thinking of making it more vibrant and nice to look at.
 On this last sketch, I was thinking of replacing the cap at the top of the letter "S" thinking it would be much appropriate to put a chef's cap at the cap. That's what makes the sketch look different. Other than that it's pretty much the same. It's just more of a revised version.
This is my product. I know it doesn't look like any of the sketches above. It is probably because I was having a hard time controlling the pen tool. I was kinda sad with this output. It was rush hour though because I don't get to use our computer than I desire. I pretty much didn't have plenty of time so that is why I just came up with a simple and boring logo. I was really having a hard time since I was using Adobe Illustrator cs6. I didn't quite master where the tools are, how to control them. I just need lots of practice.

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